30+ 5 Star Reviews

Fictitious Business Name Publication

A fictitious business name (FBN) is California’s term for a DBA (“doing business as”). This post explains the State’s FBN publication requirement and describes how I have selected newspapers for this purpose.

Once you file your FBN statement with the clerk of the applicable county, you have 30 days to arrange for a “newspaper of general circulation” in that county to publish that statement once a week for four consecutive weeks. Business and Professions Code Section 17917(a)


At least one county helps you find such a newspaper. The Santa Clara County Clerk-Recorder’s Publishing Information page includes a link to a court listing of newspapers of general circulation in the county.

I have used the Daily Journal Corporation’s DBAstore.com.

DBAstore.com was useful because:

  • You can order publication online any time.
  • The site can set up publication in any county in California.
  • Once the input and payment process is completed, the publication notice was displayed for my review.
  • The $35 fee was reasonable.

DBAstore.com is a good resource to publish an FBN statement.

    This blog does not constitute legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship. If you need legal advice, please contact a lawyer directly.